24-hour Drummathon



Luke Wilson, the exile band drummer, will play drums for 24 hours to raise money for Origin - for new drum equipment. Find out how you can get involved in what promises to be the most blistering display of stamina and drum madness!

Steph Macleod will be popping in from 7.30-9.30 for some musical shenanigans! It would be great to see you all there for that gig.There will be a charge at the door & all the money will go to Origin Scotland.

You can play along!

Luke will mainly be playing along to music but there will be another kit set up and maybe some other instruments so that anyone who wants to can "Pay to Play". Contact Luke for more information.

Luke will earn a 5 minute break for every hour of playing that can be accumulated.

You can sponsor Luke online! Go to http://uk.virginmoneygiving.com/LukeWilson to make your donation.

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  • Date/Time:

    Fri 02 July, 2010, 06:00 pm

  • Admission:

    Sponsor Luke!

  • Venue:

    Holy Trinity Church, Edinburgh

  • Venue Address:

    Hailesland Place, Wester Hailes, Edinburgh, EH14 2SL

  • Parking:


  • Disabled Access:


Origin Ministries USA