
  • Origin Ministries USA
  • Nashville, Monday 16th November, 2009

Rev Dr Colin Peckham, 1936-2009

It is with sadness that we announce the passing of Rev Dr Colin Peckham, member of Origin's Oversight Committee since it was founded, and also of our Council of Reference.

Dr Peckham was always ready with wise advice to the Origin leadership whenever he was approached and found time as often as he could to attend and support the events. He was also the father of our artistic director and will be sorely missed by the team.

He died on Monday 9th November at his home in Broxburn, near Edinburgh. Dr Peckham had been involved in itinerant teaching ministry in the past few years as well as authoring several books following his retirement as principal of The Faith Mission Bible College in Edinburgh where he served for seventeen years.

Born in Pietermaritzburg in South Africa, he became a Christian as a young man growing up on a farm, and entered Bible College in Cape Town and then continued to be a youth leader in missions in South Africa before joining the mission's senior leadership. He studied agriculture at Maritzburg College and theology with the University of South Africa and Edinburgh University. Dr Peckham is survived by wife Mary, three children and two grandchildren. Our deepest condolences to family and friends.

Origin Ministries USA